March 15, 2021

President Mindy Sehon called the meeting to order at noon with 20 participants in attendance.

Carly Robbins provided the inspirational moment.  This same meeting one year ago was our first meeting that we were not able to attend because of COVID.  A year later we are all experts at Zoom and made a number of changes in our lives. Rotary has gone on and our club has risen to the challenge.  Today is Daylight Savings time and here is a quote, “Life is getting you up an hour earlier to give you an hour more of life.”  Take that extra hour to do something for yourself outside today.

Klark Swan – Jeff Pauli from Old Town Rotary was attacked outside of his business this weekend and stabbed by a homeless man who he asked to leave the premises.  His Rotary family is organizing a meal train @ (search for his name) and is asking other Rotarians to help out.

Congratulations to Linda Wise on her 20th Wedding anniversary coming up Wednesday, 3/17.  Mindy’s birthday will also be on 3/17.

Arney King is running the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) auction/fundraiser this year.  More games are bundled so there are less things to bid on this year.  If today’s bid is above the starting bid you win it. If it’s below the starting bid it will be open to online bidding.  ½ the money earned goes back to the club.  The rest is split up for the prizes. There are still $10 squares available in the blind pool as well.

Quite a few packs were sold during the zoom meeting.  An email will be sent with items still available for bidding.  Contact Arny King for more information.

Meeting was adjourned at 1pm.