You must add both Rotary Club Member Dues & 1923 Public Benefit Corps Service Fund to your cart to pay your dues in full (total of $470)

• 1923 Public Benefits – $200.00

• Rotary Club Member Dues – $270.00

Your Rotary Club of Eureka Annual Dues are used to cover the operations costs of the club including Rotary International dues, District 5130 dues, roster printing, etc.

• Misc. Donation

Please specify what the donation is for in the comment box when making your payment.

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Check Request Form


    Person/Member Requesting Check

    Phone Number

    Payee Name

    Payee Mailing Address



    Please Check Applicable Box (or boxes) CommitteeProgramFund

    Reason for Distribution

    Will Check be Mailed or Picked Up? MailedPicked Up

    Please expect that checks will be prepared by the 1st and the 3rd Friday of each month. Required signatures will be completed on the following Monday at the Rotary meeting before the checks are distributed. For urgent funds, checks will be prepared upon request with this completed form. The requesting member will be responsible for acquiring signatures from authorized signers. Thank you!

    Please expect that checks will be prepared by the 1st and the 3rd Friday of each month, Required signatures will be completed on the following Monday at the Rotary meeting before the checks are distributed. For urgent funds, checks will be prepared upon request with this completed form. The requesting member will be responsible for acquiring signatures from authorized signers.

    Thank You!