September 10th, 2017

The meeting was held offsite at the Eureka Theatre and was called to order by Carlton Nielsen at 12:15 PM.

Flag Salute – led by Ziggy Ziegenfuss-  Invocation – Carlton Nielsen  Visiting Rotarians – Maggie Kraft from Arcata Sunrise

A brief break was taken for members to get lunch Guests – Larissa Tokay (sp?); previous exchange student from Germany in 2012-2013.  She gave a brief update to the club about what she has been doing since leaving the states

Birthdays, anniversaries, and club anniversaries were announced


Phil Nicklas announced that our next ‘done in a day’ project will be at the Boys and Girls Club teen center on 9/30/17 at 9:00 AM.  We will be helping with they’re gardening project by replacing mulch and matting.

Carlton announced that next week the board of director’s nominations will be provided to the club.

Raffle drawing:

Silver dollar – Nancy Dean

Jitter Bean coffee card – Nathan Nilsen

$10 – Ziggy Ziegenfuss

Black Lightning Café – Maggie Kraft

Card drawing – Wendy Petty


Greg Williston was recognized for a recent Alaska cruise he took with his 18 family members.  The highlight of his trip was a helicopter ride from Juno to the glaciers.  He was fined $60 for this venture.

Pat Folkins attended his grandson’s state championship baseball game in Yountville and the two age brackets he played in both placed second.  From there they drove to San Diego where he vacationed with family and had a visit from a stingray that got him on his instep.  For this venture, he paid $51.

Program:  Wendy Peggy, Chairman of the Board for the Eureka Theatre provided the history of the theatre as well as what work has been done on the building since their non profit has taken over the facility which includes:  Restoring main lobby, renovating bathrooms, enlarging the stage, adding a new screen, improved sound system, better lighting and a cocktail bar.  Their future plans include a new neon sign, cosmetic improvements to the auditorium, new seats (via ‘buy a seat’ program through HAF), and restoring the large apartment on top of the building that will be converted to a vacation rental.  They host concerts, films, class reunions, etc and their October calendar includes four frightful Friday night flicks to celebrate Halloween.  The meeting ended at 1:15, but she provided a guided tour of the facility for all those able to stay.