June 7, 2021
The Rotary Club of Eureka meeting was called to order by President Mindy Sehon at noon. This is the first hybrid meeting of the club since we started meeting online because of COVID-19 concerns. Attendees now have the option of meeting in-person or online. There were 4 people attending online and approximately 30 in person.
Dennis Hunter provided the inspirational moment: Yesterday was the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We need to remember and thank all veterans for their service.
Visiting Rotarians – Amanda with Old Town Eureka
Guests of Rotarians: Jerry Reece/Becky, Chris/Carol.
Janelle is a scholarship recipient who is studying Ravens. She puts GPS units on them to track movements. For more information: humboldtraven.wordpress.com
- Red Badge recipient: Colby Smart
- Newest Blue Badger: Kate Witthaus
- Jim Sessa is our latest Paul Harris Fellow +5.
Member Charlie Bussman was in attendance. Charlie’s last visit was in 2014. Since that time he’s traveled to numerous countries, all 4 of his children are now married and he now has 5 grandchildren. He was fined $500 for showing up or maybe for not showing up.
Last Saturday our club held a Done in a Day at the CASA of Humboldt.
Mindy’s debunking will be Monday June 28th at the Inn at 2nd and C. More information will be sent via email.
Speaker: Meredith Maier with Six Rivers Brewery. Due to technical difficulties Meredith’s talk will be scheduled for a later date. The audio link was not cooperating.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55pm.