June 27, 2022
Club President Klark Swan presided over the beginning of the meeting before she was debunked.
Flag Salute- Past District Governor, Michael Juric led the flag salute
Thought of the day: Carly Robbins talked about leadership.
Guests: There were so many guests today. Including but not limited to President Klark’s mother and husband. A number of past district governors and Rotarians from other clubs. The room was full.
End of year awards: As one of her final Presidential moments Klark handed out awards to the following Rotary Club of Eureka members:
Increasing Impact: Alicia Cox; Expanding Reach: Rick Littlefield; Enhancing Engagements: Kate Witthaus; Most Likely to Be On Mute: Mike Martin; Most Adaptable: Steven Lafferty; Rotary Cheerleader: Annalise von Borstel; Most Likely to Be at All Things Rotary: Nancy Dean; Special Project, Youth Literacy: Anthony Stubbs; Special Project, Backpack for Kids: Mindy Sehon
LET THE DEBUNKING BEGIN! Carly Robbins began the debunking by comparing Klark’s Rotary year to a tornado from the Wizard of Oz. Then the costumes came out and Klark began her journey down the yellow brick road. All along the way Klark was greeted by kind words and gracious appreciation of her many talents and leadership skills.
District Governor Dustin Littlefield spoke via Zoom, Past District Governors Kathy Flamson and Jim Flamson drove from Calistoga to be here to greet Klark in person. A guest from Germany chimed in via Zoom. Past District Governor Terri Clark added her accolades, also in person. Flying monkeys flew from the promenade down into the crowd adding a few screams of excitement into the mix. There were many other presentations by others throughout Klark’s stroll down the yellow brick road.
The presentation culminated with the presentation of an honorary Paul Harris Fellow purchased through donations by the Board of Directors. Amidst a standing ovation and a few tears, Klark gave her thanks and appreciation to all. Clicking her heels together 3X and uttering the words, “There’s no place like the Inn at 2nd & C Streets,” the meeting came to an end. Champagne and sparkling apple cider were served to celebrate the end of this Rotary year and the beginning of a new year.