June 21, 2021
Mindy Sehon opened the meeting at 12:25pm. The flag salute was given.
Jera Newland gave the inspirational minute and provided a quote by Robert Kennedy.
Mindy talked about the Fallen firefighter memorial at Clarks Plaza and Rotary Club of Eureka’s contribution.
Klark Swan was recently in the news regarding her upcoming presidency.
Birthdays: Bruce Rupp tomorrow.
Wedding Anniversaries: Fred Van Vleck 6/27
- Tom Schallert was fined for traveling and having too much fun.
- Kate Witthaus was also fined for traveling.
- Jim Sessa had a birthday recently.
- Chuck Ellsworth- called up Wayne Wilson to the podium. Ralph found a button in his golf bag from the 1950’s and gave it to Chuck who gave it to Wayne.
Carly Robbins said that Mindy’s debunking will be next Monday. Our meeting will be at the Inn at 2nd and C Streets. There will not be an online option. Notify Klark if you are attending.
- 1st prize silver dollar: Neal Carnam, entre to McDonalds , $10- Jim Sessa, Gift Certificate to the Chalet, Old Growth Cellars wine, drawing for a gold coin: (Must draw a joker to win: Neal Carnum did not win today.
Our speaker today is Joey Shields with Linc Housing. Their mission is to build communities and strengthen neighborhoods for people underserved by the marketplace. Linc Housing is a 37 year old company in California. They build housing and advocate for affordable housing. They also provide services for residents including things like financial empowerment classes, reading courses, food bank access, exercise classes, etc. Residents pay no more than 30% of their income on rent.
The City of Eureka issued an RFP for 3 city-owned Eureka parking lots to have low-income housing built on them. Linc Housing won the bid. Their proposal includes 104 apartments all together. They are waiting to find out if their funding application for AHSC funding is approved. If approved their plan also includes some trail improvement, bike parking and lighting improvements, a new bus route plus two express bus routes and a new electric bus for Eureka Transit Systems. They would also be able to fund numerous bus stops, improved signage, and would receive funds for landscaping and drainage needs. They will know by October if that funding is approved. Construction is expected to start in late 2022 depending on funding. They have set aside 28 parking spaces in total for all 3 buildings plus all residents