July 19, 2021
The Rotary Club of Eureka meeting was called to order by President Klark Swan at 12:25pm.
Rick Littlefield led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Blane O’Shaughnessy provided the inspirational thought of the day. Prayers were said for Ken Stoddard and his family. Ken’s wife’s daughter passed away. Blaine read an inspirational thought entitled, “It’s really all about the future.”
GUEST INTRODUCTIONS. Linda Wise introduced Mark Pozone construction manager at New Life Services. Tom introduced our speaker Jera introduce her Mom Jody. Jerry’s wife Becky. Southwest president visiting.
JULY BIRTHDAYS. Please let us know what you are doing that’s fun and fill out an envelope to make a donation.
Michael is a recent member and was sponsored by Bruce Rupp. Michael was welcomed to the club and given his new member packet.
Winners of small grants will be notified at the end of this month.
We are talking about a new location for our meetings some members would like the club to be more centrally located. One possibility is the Inn at 2nd and C Streets. There are pros and cons. Please vote and put your votes on the table.
We had a Done in a Day last Saturday. About 6 people showed up at the Sequoia Zoo. Those volunteers moved about 2,000 pounds of hay.
Today’s Rotary Moment was provided by Dr. Kim Bauriedel. Kim was 6 years old on September 1, 1952 and was camping with his family and Rotarians at the Prairie Creek State Park. They attended the 48-acre Rotary Grove dedication. Rotarians raised the money to purchase this grove of trees. Funding started in 1949. The Lady Bird Johnson Grove is located at Prairie Creek State Park. About 252 clubs contributed including Rotary clubs overseas.
Tom Schallert said that Dave and Carol Dillon have moved to Timber Ridge in McKinleyville for about a month. They don’t have any family here but would really like to see more people.
Arney King is organizing the 2021 Tokyo Olympics Blind Pool. It’s $5 per square and there are 206 squares. If your country wins you could win $350. 2nd $100, 3rd $50. If your country wins for the first time ever you could win a Dick Taylor bar. Other local clubs are participating as well. Money is going to help with flooding in Germany.
RAFFLE DRAWINGS – Gold dollar, McDonalds meal, $10 Hank, Cutten Chalet Gift Certificate, Mystery wine, Gold pieces valued at $450. Draw a joker from the deck- Tom Schallert drew a Jack of hearts.
RECOGNITIONS: Arney King – just went to Baja Mexico. Wayne Wilson – on the Skywalk at Sequoia Park.
PRESENTER: Michael Orr, Supervisor of Parks and Recreations for Humboldt County.
Mike gave a call out to Tom Schallert for all of Tom’s volunteer work on the trails. Tom has even mowed the trails with his own mower.
The Parks and Recs department has a lot of challenges. They are developing about 25 miles of trails in total in Humboldt County. Issues that are preventing projects from moving forward are employee retention issues, old equipment, limited budget, and a lot of homeless issues on the trails. A lot of their available time is spent managing campers. They are currently generating ideas on how to deal with trail cleanups. A couple of ideas were suggested by Rotarians: Adopt a trail like Cal Trans has. Developing a program with HSU?
Next weeks speaker will be Eric Smith, President of Old Town Rotary.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05pm.