January 11, 2021
President Mindy Sehon opened the meeting at noon with 23 participants. We first split into small groups.
After returning from our break out groups Dr. Kim Bauriedel spoke about Felix Tarasenko from Siberia and Kim’s experience meeting with Felix. Kim said Felix was very helpful in opening doors and helping things to happen during Kim’s trips to Russia. They worked together to build a large park in Russia among a number of other projects. Felix was very helpful. He recently passed away and Dr. Kim wanted to acknowledge the great person he was.
Melissa Enriquez birthday 1/13 Bruce Rupp wedding anniversary 1/15
Darus Trutna inspirational moment: Elon Musk is now the richest person on Earth. Inspiring that he’s working on two big things…. ½ his money is intended to help problems on Earth and half to help establish a self-sustaining city on Mars to help ensure continuation of life should we perish from a meteor, WW3 or we destroy ourselves. Inspirational that the richest man on Earth is using that money to help others.
Karen Underwood and Bruce Silvey from Humboldt Trails Council (HTC) were our presenters. They build and maintain trails through Humboldt County. They partner with cities of Arcata, Eureka and Humboldt County to provide monthly maintenance on existing trails. Many volunteers make this happen.
HTC provides insurance, vests, hats, gloves, snacks and tools. HTC also provides advocacy. They meet monthly to concentrate on trail issues. Trail use is up 75% over last year. The pandemic has really increased trail use. Web site is humtrails.org. Facebook will keep you up to date as projects happen. Seeking new board members. Great Redwood Trail – former railroad line around the Bay. Lots of history and flat walking area. Southern tip of Eureka to Northern tip of Arcata. Due to be completed 2022. They are also working on a gap in the Eureka trail – it stops at Adorni Center. They believe trail use will double once this gap is fixed.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:55pm. There will be no meeting next week in observance of Martin Luther King Day.