Sign Smith was the longest serving member (69 years) of the Rotary Club of Eureka. Upon his death, he created an endowment fund at the Humboldt Area Foundation, the proceeds of which were to be administered solely by the Rotary Club of Eureka to further our local community and international projects. By 2020 year-end, over $668,594 in grant applications have been funded. In most years, $25-$30 thousand dollars are available for grants. As an organization, Rotary is apolitical, non-sectarian, supports diversity of various types, and advances international understanding, good will and peace through the world fellowship of Rotary International. Access the grant application and details below.
The Rotary Club of Eureka is grateful that the Sign and Ruth Smith Grant has enabled us to do so much good in our community. Following is a list of grants that have been made through the years. Good luck we hope we are able to add your grant request to this list….