February 7, 2022
The meeting was opened at 12:06pm on Zoom by President Klark Swan. Steve Lafferty led the pledge of Allegiance. Linda Wise provided the thought of the day.
- Arny King provided an update on the Centennial Committee. 2023 will mark the 100th anniversary of Rotary Club of Eureka. He is looking for committee members who are willing to meet once a month. Arny will be sending out an email.
- Super Bowl Points Square – buy a square and if the numbers you purchased match up you would win that square. $5 squares. Club gets ½ $250 and winners will receive a percentage of the other $250. Purchase your tickets online at rotary1.org or email Arny King. Make sure you note what you are purchasing if you buy them online.
- Membership voting on the new meeting location closes at midnight tonight. We will be announcing the new venue soon. If you haven’t voted please do.
TODAY’S SPEAKER: Scott Thompson, Nordic Aqua Farms
Recently released environmental draft report now going thru public comment. The plan is to build a recirculating aquaculture system. This system prevents escape, waste, removes parasites, bacteria and viruses, it’s efficient since it recycles the water.
Fish take 2 years to grow prior to being harvested. So once the plant is built and up and running there will be a delay prior to actually harvesting the fish. There will be about 150 jobs.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:53pm.