February 14, 2022

The meeting was opened at 12:00pm on Zoom by President Klark Swan.  Happy Valentine’s Day! Mike Martin led the pledge of Allegiance.  Jerry Reece provided the thought of the day.

Carly Robbins – Past District Governor Kenneth Moulton passed away recently.  He was an amazing Rotarian and friend. Donations to the Ken Moulton Educational Fund may be made to Rotary Club of Windsor Community Foundation, attn Ken Moulton Educational Fund, P.O. Box 2295, Windsor, California 95492. or to the The ALS Association Golden West Chapter (www.alsagoldenwest.org,) PO Box 565, Agoura Hills, CA 91376.

Super Bowl Points Square – Arny King provided the results of the pool. He sold out the squares quickly. Mike Martin won $25 for 1st quarter, Jay Reed $25 3rd quarter, Carlton was the big winner $150 and halftime $50.  Carlton donated all of his winning to outbound exchange students fundraising efforts. And Jay donated his back to the club.

March Madness – Arny King is running this event.  There will be an auction and blind pool on March 14th. 

Rhododendron Parade- Old Town Rotary is putting this on in April.  They are asking our club to participate. Details will follow.

Carson Park Update- Klark said there are a lot of meetings happening with the City of Eureka to plan this project and lots of forward movement.

Voting on new meeting location – 44 people responded to the survey. 33 people voted to move to the Inn @ 2nd and C. So that will be our new meeting location. They are not sure when we will start meeting in person again

Colby Smart– is starting to look at Rotary Scholarships.  He will send out an email to find folks who want to be on the committee.  It’s not a big time commitment but it’s a fun committee.

TODAY’S SPEAKER:  Kate Witthaus.  Humboldt County Sheriff’s Posse Search and Rescue.

Kate said that Search and Rescue is made up of all volunteers. There are over 40 members.  The organization is over 70 years old. Members pay for their own equipment and volunteer all their services.

There is a marine, mounted, ground and K9 units.  Searches can be missing person searches, mutual aid, preventative, evidence. Evidence searches mean that they are generally searching for small evidence on the ground on their hands and knees, clearing out brush.  Kate provided many examples of situations that the various units have participated in to find lost or missing individuals. There’s a lot of ground to cover in Humboldt County.  They are currently starting a youth group and encouraging more people to join.  They have purchased some E-Bikes and a drone to help with rough terrain experience.

No meeting next week as it is President’s Day.  The meeting was adjourned at 12:45pm.