March 18th 2019 President-elect Carly Robbins gave the invocation. Brad Mettam presided. Klark Swan shared that Mardi Gras Fundraiser had been a success. 60 people attended and they made $4500. The biggest challenge was making gumbo for 120. County Office of Education representative Melody McGuire accepted a $5000 check for the Science Fair. There is
March 11 2019 The meeting was opened by our president Brad Mettam. Ziggy Ziggenfuss was called upon to lead the Flag Salute. In the audience was former member and past president Laurie Lazio. He said a few words. When he was president he fined Rotarians using a wheel of Fortune you spun to determine what
March 4, 2019 President Brad Mettam has returned from his secret mission. He seems unchanged, at least on the surface. Or maybe it’s unhinged. He asked Stacy Lane to lead us in the pledge. Everyone looked around to see if she was actually there. A rare sighting. Arny King delivered the invocation, saying that what’s
February 25, 2019 Past president Bruce Smith stood in for Brad Mettam, who was out of town. Menu was veal or spaghetti, the usual salad bar, and chocolate mousse for dessert. Ted Loring was awarded Rotarian of the Week. He wasn’t there to accept the award. Klark Swan reminded us that Rotary’s Mardi Gras fundraiser
February 4, 2019 Brad Mettam had taken the day off. Carly Robbins, our president-elect, filled in. Burt Campton gave the invocation. He quoted the lyrics from “Such a Wonderful world” most notably sung by Louie Armstrong. Rotarian of the week was Rick Littlefield. There’s a memorial for J. Warren Hockaday on February 23 at 2:30pm.
January 28th, 2019 ROTARY CLUB OF EUREKA IS 95 YEARS OLD Remarks by Dr. Kim Bauriedel originally delivered January 21, 2019 For over 30 years our past President and past District Governor, Charlie Strope, would periodically present to our club a short statement about some aspect of the history of our club. Frequently, during the
January 8, 2019 President Brad Mettam called upon Pat Folkins to lead us in the flag salute. Patrick Cleary gave the invocation. Menu was Turkey or Ribs. Matthew Owen who always volunteers for crowd control at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, said this year’s highlight was a float that caught on fire. A new Rotarian
December 17, 2018 Today’s meeting was held off site at the Recology Center in Samoa. Brad Mettam led the meeting. We pledged to a projected image of the flag and did the invocation. Continued good wishes for J. Warren Hockaday, who is recovering from successful cancer treatments. The menu was Mexican food. Tacos enchiladas
December 10, 2018 Welcome to December. It’s disease prevention treatment month. Now that you’ve lost your appetite let’s discuss the menu. Your choice of tri tip or chicken cordon bleu roasted potatoes and blackberry cobbler for dessert. Chuck Ellsworth gave us a Quaker moment. Brad Mettam presided, resplendent in his Rotary Vest. Keith Crossley brought
November 27, 2018 Today’s menu was fried cod or ham steaks with vegetable medley. Brad Mettam was out of Town so Carly Robbins was leading the meeting. Will Kay led us in the flag salute. Jay Reed gave the invocation. Carly announced that December was Foundation Month. S pecial Announcement: December 17 The Rotary Meeting
November 19, 2018 Burl 11-19-2018 Lunch consisted of fried turkey, squash blossoms and burritos. Mike Cunningham gave the invocation. Carly Robbins, president elect, announced that Mark Murghia would succeed her as President. Good for you, Mark. Rotarian of the week was Jay Bahner. Don Leonard donated $40 for Backpacks for kids. Eveeryone put $20
October 29, 2018 The menu was Mexican food including rice beans tortillas chicken enchiladas, and cupcakes. Arny gave the invocation with his cute little daughter on his hip. Nick from the library said the Harry Potter celebration went well. 1000 people came, some in costume. He’s going to make it an annual thing. Klark Swan
October 22, 2018 Dennis Hunter led us in the flag salute. Pat Folkins gave the invocation. Lunch included fried cod, mashed potatoes, broccolini and chocolate cake. President Brad Mettam mentioned that polio was now confined to three countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Nigeria. Don Leonard reminded everyone that Sign Smith Applications were due on the 31st
October 15, 2018 Menu: Ribs or fried fish, Potatoes with ham, dessert. Greg Williston gave the invocation, noting that last Monday was Columbus Day, and also Indigenous People’s day, celebrating the few survivors of the “discovery” of the “New world” Most were enslaved, died of various diseases carried by their discoverers or were uprooted and
January 8th, 2018 The meeting was called to order at 12:18 by President Bruce. Flag Salute: George John Winzler - Spoke About John Berger Invocation: Mike Cunningham Visiting Rotarians: No Visiting Rotarians Guests: Nancy introduced a future outbound Lyla Belter, Jim introduced his wife Debby, Bruce Smith introduced Skyler (a future financial advisor, he taught
September 25th, 2017 The meeting was called to order at 12:20 by President Bruce. Flag Salute: Julie Denbo Chuck Ellsworth announced that Jim Hoff (previous Rotarian) is undergoing cancer treatment so keep him in our prayers. Invocation: Mike Cunningham Visiting Rotarians: Scott Pesch Southwest Rotary; Chris Hartley Mad River Rotary; Amanda Nelson; Old Town Eureka Guests:
September 18th, 2017 The menu was sweet and sour pork or roast beef, vegetable medley and salad chorus, rolls and mashed potatoes with gravy. There was cake also, but you couldn’t eat it and have it too. Past President Matthew Owen stood in for Bruce Smith, who had to go back in the hospital. Visiting Rotarian-Shelly
September 10th, 2017 The meeting was held offsite at the Eureka Theatre and was called to order by Carlton Nielsen at 12:15 PM. Flag Salute – led by Ziggy Ziegenfuss- Invocation – Carlton Nielsen Visiting Rotarians – Maggie Kraft from Arcata Sunrise A brief break was taken for members to get lunch Guests – Larissa Tokay (sp?);
August 28, 2017 Meeting was called to order at 12:17 by Paul Brisso. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ken Stodder. The invocation was given by Bill McAuley. No visitors or students but J Hockaday, David Wells, Tom McMurray and Bill McAuley had birthdays. Announcements included a reminder to give to Polio Plus and
August 21st, 2017 Meeting was called to order at 12:28 (2 minutes early) by Pat Folkins, Rotary 1987 Past President and Eureka Chamber of Commerce 1985 Past President. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Bruce Rupp, 2004 Past President. Pat reviewed his military history for us. Bruce served in the army from 1965 to