August 9, 2021
Klark Swan called the meeting to order virtually at 12:06pm.
Thought of the day was provided by Chuck Ellsworth. Chuck said in Quaker tradition he wanted us all to offer a silent prayer for anyone in your life that needs it.
Brad Mettam – Pledge of Allegiance
Birthdays in August – Debbie Storre was on the meeting.
- Klark said that we would be meeting virtually via Zoom from now until the foreseeable future. The board will revisit our options at the end of August. Klark would like to discuss ways to continue some type of social contact through online raffles, small break out meetings on Zoom and more.
- Youth Exchange Golf Event – As far as we know this fundraising event is still happening since it is outdoors.
- Coast Guard Dinner- Klark is waiting to find out if this dinner is happening as normal or maybe it will be a pick up and deliver kind of event.
- Budget Report –There will be an impromptu board meeting this week to discuss finalizing the budget. We have some surplus because of the lack of expenditures over the last 2 years. Klark will have a report and approved expenditures to discuss for next week’s meeting.
- Klark played a video that highlighted Rotary virtual backgrounds that are available for use on Zoom calls at the brand center.
- Arny sold all of the squares on the Olympic pool and sent an email with all of the winners names.
- Phil was recognized with a picture of his daughter water skiing at Ruth Lake.
- Kate Witthaus was wearing a Hawaiian outfit at a Blood Bank marathon event. They had 80 runners, great weather. Good event.
- Carly – Food for People won a number of awards in the North Coast Journal Best of Humboldt contest.
Merry Kate Lowry is with Pathmakers.
Pathmakers is a grant-funded program developed by the Center for Tribal Innovation and Entrepreneurship (C-TIE), a consortium of the Blue Lake Rancheria, the Northern Humboldt Union High School District, and the Humboldt County Office of Education.
The program provides curricular and financial resources to Native students and non-Native youth, families, and educators. Kate co-teaches with the teacher. Last year everything was on zoom but they are hoping to get kids outside this year. Through makerspaces and making, Pathmakers integrates Native American tribal knowledge, cultures, and languages with Western science, technologies, and tools. (A makerspace is a place where people can explore their own interests, learn how to use tools and materials, and learn to develop creative projects.) Programs have included Native language, fishing, forestry, basket weaving and more. They utilize Native art as part of their teaching curriculum. For information contact: Alison Robbins, Blue Lake Rancheria, 707-497-8638,