August 23, 2021
The meeting was opened at noon on Zoom by President Klark Swan. Thought of the day was provided by Jerry Reece who discussed service above self. Lynn Dugaw led the pledge of allegiance.
Happy birthday to all those with August birthdays. President Klark has noticed that birthday people are not posting as much on Facebook. She needs spies to help out by sending her pics and info.
There are many opportunities to volunteer on committees. Please talk to Klark about getting involved.
Welcome to new member- Mark Fazzone. Sponsor Linda Wise introduced Mark. He is a construction project manager with New Life Services. Mark was Chief Engineer at Walt Disney Company in Florida prior to that. He’s been a Rotarian in the past.
District Conference is coming up on October 8th and 9th. You’ve been receiving emails with info. Please contact Klark with any questions you’d like to ask about the conference or what it’s being like to be a District Governor.
Mike Martin sent a picture of the Monument Fire from Horse Mountain that was taken by Red Jioras. Kate Witthaus shared a photo taken by her partner Mark McKenna who is a photo journalist. They drove directly into the fire by Clear Lake to take pictures. It was fast moving. The schools had to evacuated. Two mobile home parks burned down with 60 people losing their homes.
ROTARY MOMENT: Franco with Chile was a former Rotary Youth Exchange his little brother Domingo is visiting with Greg Williston for a couple of weeks. Domingo was an exchange student 2 years ago. He now has connections all over the world – Eureka, Canada, Germany, Finland, etc. His brothers were exchange students.
RAFFLE PRIZES: Jerry Reece picked three names- Mark, Lynn and Colby as our winners. Klark will be getting their prizes to them.
RECOGNITIONS: Jerry Reece and his wife received best travel agent from the TS Best of the Northcoast contest.
Our small grant winner is with the Priority Care Center – Jessica. Jessica was formerly with the Raven project. She is now with Humboldt Independent Practice Association. She is coordinating girl empowerment groups to provide support to girls. The money awarded is being used for supplies.
Carly Robbins introduced our speaker, District Governor Dustin Littlefield. Carly is currently assistant District Governor for the Eureka Clubs. Dustin works in Property Management at the Palm Creek Apartments in Arcata. He is a real estate agent with North Coast Rentals. He is a member of Arcata Sunrise Rotary Club. He was born and raised in Arcata and has a degree in Economics from HSU. He first joined a Rotaract Club. He enjoys surfing, camping and is a musician.
Dustin recently had a breakthrough case of COVID but is doing well now. Dustin congratulated all of the clubs leadership who have kept Rotary going so well over the last year and a half. This years international theme is Serve to Change Lives. Rotary international president, Shekhar Mehta of India said service is the rent I pay for the space I occupy on Earth and I want to be a good tenant.
District theme this year is “This is Rotary”. This is about principles. Truth and fairness matters. Everybody must benefit. We are facing unprecedented challenges locally and throughout the world. We need to adapt be creative and enhance the Rotary experience. We need to create leadership pathways for young professionals, dream big and be collaborative with Rotary projects. Rotary is not an organization, it’s us. All of us working together.