August 2, 2021
The Rotary Club of Eureka meeting was called to order by President Klark Swan at 12:22pm.
After the pledge of allegiance Annalise Von Borstel provided a thought for the day.
GUESTS OF ROTARIANS: Linda Wise introduced Donna Wright, CEO of Eureka Chamber of Commerce. The president of Lost Coast Rotaract was visiting. Carly also noted that the Sign Smith grants applications are open as of today. Applications are due by 9/30/21. Please spread the word.
AUGUST BIRTHDAYS – Klark listed all of the August Birthdays with a special shout out to Dave Dillon who is now at Timber Ridge in McKinleyville. If you can visit to say Happy Birthday please do. Contact Klark if you are able to go.
- Masking discussion – Klark said the board is actively discussing masking protocol as things change.
- Scott Thompson – Nordic Aquafarms land-based fish farm is planned for the Samoa Peninsula. Tours will be happening August 30 – September 3rd Email: for information. Masks will be required.
- Klark said on August 30 we may do an off-site at Nordic watch for an email with information.
- Rotary Youth Exchange Golf Tournament Saturday, 9/25/21 to benefit Rotary Youth Exchange. 10am shotgun start, Baywood Golf and Country Club prime rib buffet dinner Friday night.
- Coast Guard dinner is August 26th. Reservations are due by 8/19. Cost is $30 at the door. Sponsor a Coastie for $30. Klark will be providing info on how to pay for sponsorships.
- Rotary moment: Provided by Lost Coast Rotaract. They have continued to meet on Zoom with a social once per month. They have been buying local art and raffling it off to the local community to raise money and bring awareness to local artists. Their goal is to increase speakers at their meetings, please send her ideas.
- Arney King is not here but he is still working on the Pool for the Olympics. There are still 20 squares to sell. Only $5 per square.
- Raffle: Golden coin, McDonalds value meal, $20 gift certificate for Phatsy Kline, Chance to win golf pieces worth over $450 by drawing a joker out of card deck. The winner was Hank Ingham but sadly he was not a winner today.
- Linda Wise and Dale Warmuth were each visited by “Mondays with Michaele”
- Phil Nicklas talked about the Boys and Girls Club goat race fundraiser. They are looking for sponsors and raffle items.
- Phil Nicklas and Chuck Ellsworth were recognized. Phil recently moved his office to the old Arthur Johnson building in downtown Eureka and Chuck created the new sign on his door.
- Jera Newland recruited fellow Coast Central Credit Union co-workers for a blood drive and they in turn recruited others.
- Klark and Carly visited the circus with Klark’s family.
Jack Sheppard is with the Humboldt County Office of Education Trades Academy. Jack is a Humboldt County native. He worked his way through school as a welder and auto technician. He learned how much you rely on the people you employ.
Jack taught school for many years and he was a stickler with his students about showing up and being on time in preparation for real life. He focused on getting kids to look at going to work in the trades based on many requests from the community.
The trade academy has over 80 business partners locally, and they are always looking for more. During COVID videoed different business owners to find out what they are looking for and showed that to the students via Zoom. He played us a video he created of these interviews and some with students who are interns. Again, they are always looking for business partners so please contact Jack for information.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:06pm.