President Annalise von Borstel presided over the meeting. Chuck Ellsworth led the flag salute and the thought of the day was provided by Frank who invited us to take a moment each day to be thankful.
Guests included Corcoran Realty, Justin manager of the Speak-Easy, Devon from Edward Jones and Gregory Fillmore from Eureka Natural Foods.
- Hilla announced that she has raised over $3,000 for her trip to Hawaii thanks to all of the sales from her calendar. She still has 70 calendars left but she had a line of Rotarians buying them up at the end of the meeting. 😊
- There will be a Holiday Social on 12/12 from 5:30 – 8:30 at Phatsy Kline. Please RSVP to Klark Swan. Dinner is provided but it’s a no-host bar.
- Christine Tyson let us know that Benchmark Realty is helping to gather coats for kids. Your donations can be dropped off at the Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods, or the Girl Scout office.
- Toys for Tots needs your help to collect toys and donations at Target and Costco. Sign up for a three hour shift! There’s a link on the email Nancy Dean sends out each week.
- Backpacks for Kids – we pack backpacks each Thursday. Please come join us. See more info on the weekly email.
- Centennial Committee – Meeting 12/13 at Humboldt Bay Provisions
- Public Image Committee – Meeting on 12/23 after our regular meeting
- Board of Directors – Round 1 voting is closing. Announcements will be made soon about Round 2.
- Carson Park construction of the new bathrooms and other upgrades is underway. Klark showed us some photographs and let us know a banner is being put together to announce the three eureka Rotary Clubs participation in the project. College of the Redwoods students are doing the physical work on the building.
Ted Loring was recognized the alumni interviews he has conducted for Stanford.
Chuck Ellsworth was recognized for work he recently traveled over 6,850 miles over 6 weeks to work on the Lincoln Hearse. This vehicle is available for the funerals of Presidents and other dignitaries.
The newest Rotarian in the world, Marlee Chavez joined Rotary Club of Eureka today! Her sponsor, Klark Swan, introduced Marlee and Past President Nancy Dean provided the President’s talk.
Larry Oetker, Executive Director of the Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District was our speaker today. He joined the Harbor District in December of 2017 and was formerly the City of Arcata Community Development Director. He has been a Humboldt County resident for more than twenty years. Larry said the Harbor District is working on the revitalization of old properties and infrastructure that will result in making Humboldt a regional and national economy of significance.
Humboldt Bay is the second largest enclosed bay in California. They are currently working on developing wind energy on the bay and there is a lease auction happening tomorrow that he encouraged us to pay attention to. The offshore wind development is estimated to bring 14,000 jobs to California. 4,257 of those jobs in Humboldt. Stage 1 of this development is expected to provide 830 jobs.
They have received revenue for new projects from a percentage of property taxes on new commercial projects. So far those dollars have totaled 53 million. 22 million was used to reconstruct the jetty, an important project that is nearing completion.
There are aquaculture opportunities they are working on with oysters, Nordic Aquafarms, the growing of eel grass and more. For example, one business model takes water from Humboldt Bay, dries it and utilizes the salt to sell as gourmet salt.
Broadband Cables, two of which have been installed across the bay, are improving our connection/infrastructure.
After questions and answers the meeting was closed by President von Borstel.